Top 9 Xtreme Marketing Tips From Fuse

by The Editors on September 29, 2008

Bilde-1-1The Burlington Free Press has done a short story on “youth marketing agency” Fuse, and the company’s partner Dr. Evil Issa Sawabini was kind enough to kick down a couple marketing tips:

1.) Get specific about your target audience, you likely can’t talk to everyone and get their attention.
2.) Avoid using stereotypes — goatees and tattoos don’t make your brand cool.
3.) Use the best photography.
4.) Develop a system to make sure your marketing program is working.
5.) Develop a marketing platform that makes sense for the brand.
6.) Develop authentic marketing programs.
7.) Measure your results and stay flexible.
8.) Select marketing tactics that work for your brand.
9.) Don’t use the word Xtreme.

It’s nice that corporate America is still this stupid, especially for those running youth marketing companies.

[Link: Burlington Free Press]

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