An Epic Skateboard Bachelor Party

by The Editors on October 1, 2010

Sbest17-1Josh Fernandez is writer for the Sacramento News & Review weekly. A recent story titled Skateboard Bachelor Party was included in this week’s Best of Sacramento 2010 issue.

The nostalgic story hinges on on a bachelor party at Rocklyn, California’s Epic Skatepark, but it starts 19 years earlier when a “skateboarding rapist was on the loose in Davis.”

I knew that we were in for some trouble. . . Not that we raped anyone, of course. But the fact that we were skateboarders who were already categorized as idiots and flunkies meant that we would automatically be perceived as the potential rapists. . . We were right. Things changed.

Click the link for the rest.

[Link: Sacramento News & Review]

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