Todd Franzen Profiled On ESPN/Action

by The Editors on September 29, 2010

As Snb Franzen1 576Wondering whatever happened to pro snow shred Todd Franzen? ESPN/Action has a great story by Devon O’Neill on the demise of Franzen’s pro snowboarding career and his on-going battle with Stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

What happened over the next 10 months radically altered Franzen’s world view. Not because cancer destroyed his life — almost the opposite, in fact. In a strange twist he still struggles to explain, cancer — a disease that kills more than 500,000 Americans each year — filled the same role snowboarding had nearly 20 years prior. . . It gave him purpose.

The battle is not over yet, but Franzen’s amazing sense of humor has survived. Click the link to read the rest.

[Link: ESPN/Action]

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