Fresno Longboarder Crashes Into SUV, Dies

by The Editors on July 26, 2010

Sean SmithSean Smith, 41, of Fresno, California died Sunday July 25, 2010 after reportedly crashing into an SUV while longboarding near Auberry, California, according to a story in the Fresno Bee.

Smith and three friends were skateboarding on Auberry Road near Jose Basin Road when he was hit at 3:18 p.m. by an SUV, California Highway Patrol officer Mike Higgins said. Smith was flown to Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, where he was later pronounced dead.

According to ABC 30, Smith was trying to pass his friends on a tight turn and swung wide into an oncoming car. Our thoughts are with Smith’s family and friends. Follow the jump for a memorial video that his friends have posted on Youtube.

[Link: Fresno Bee and ABC 30]

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