Converse Coastal Carnage Practice

by The Editors on August 7, 2010

For the second year in a row we’ve hung out at the Converse Coastal Carnage mini park for practice. Something about the smaller crowds, missing TV cameras, and no pressure often makes practice more fun to watch than the finals. But don’t let that stop you from watching the qualifiers and finals live on the US Open of Surfing website on Saturday and Sunday August 7-8, 2010.

Follow the jump for the 12 finalists who will skate on Sunday.

[Link: US Open of Surfing Live]
1. Ben Hatchell
2. Ben Raybourne
3. David Loy
4. Aaron Homoki
5. Ryan Reyes
6. Brandon Perelson
7. Tom remillard
8. Tyler Mumma
9. Andrew Langi
10. Omar Hassan
11. Rune Glifberg
12. Kevin Kowalski

[Results via Skate Park of Tampa]

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