Mural Art Critics Hit Hobie Corona Del Mar

by The Editors on July 2, 2010

Dsc 7805-300X204The old Corona Del Mar Becker Surf Shop is on it’s way to becoming a Hobie retail store, but a mural that was recently completed on the side of the building has been met with some criticism, according to a story on Corona Del Mar Today.

Vandals covered a brand-new mural with four-letter words, five-letter words and pejoratives . . . The mural, which was completed less than two weeks ago, is part of a makeover of the old Becker Surf Shop. Painters spent days on the project, which turned out so well that families had begun using it as a backdrop to snap photos of their kids.The graffiti was on all areas of the wall and also on the front of the store. By 9 a.m., however, a worker was using rags and cleaning solvents to remove the paint.

Apparently, someone thought new colors and geometric designs were very “gay.”

[Link: Corona del Mar Today]

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