Jake Duncombe: Stick Skater

by The Editors on May 12, 2010

Art-Lead-Stickskater-420X0Former Aussie skate filmers Ben Hazzard and Liam Stephens currently hold the number 2 paid app position in the Apple iTunes iPhone app store with their low-rez skateboarding game Stick Skater, according to a story in the Sydney Morning Herald.

We both grew up in Newcastle filming skate videos of local skaters, some of who have become world respected pro skater,” Hazzard said. . . “We modelled the skate animations on real skateboarders, and we specifically choose a particular pro skater, Jake Duncombe, who has a reputation for doing some of the best tricks.” . . Hazzard said the game allowed for many trick combinations. . . “While being a little exaggerated for entertainment purposes, they are still in touch with the progression of real skateboarding,” he said.

One of the coolest parts of the game is skating the famous spots including: the Carlsbad Gap, Hollywood High, Wilshire, and Love Park. We’re guessing this will be 99 cents well spent.

[Links: Stick Skater via Sydney Morning Herald]

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