Jeremy Jones Snowboards Site Launch

by The Editors on March 22, 2010


Nothing gets our blood pumping in the morning like a good website launch press release. Thank you Jeremy Jones Snowboards for hitting us up with all the details of your new digital, online catalog. Amazing! Follow the jump for all the sweaty, stinky, backcountry powder, deep wilderness treking details. . .’s Launch Opens a Dialogue with Riders
New site features Jeremy’s popular blog, product details, videos and team info

Squaw Valley, CA (March 22, 2010) – offers snowboarders a first look at the much anticipated, debut snowboard line created by snowboarding icon, Jeremy Jones. With the website’s launch, Jones Snowboards is adding another dimension to the brand’s open dialogue with retailers and consumers as the snowboard line goes into full production for Winter 2010 release.

“We’re having a very exciting year between the launch of Jones Snowboards, the building of the team and filming for Deeper,” says Jones. “ will keep riders involved in all the action while we await the first shipment of boards this fall.”

Packed with descriptions, technical diagrams, and Jeremy’s own design notes, product information takes center stage at allowing riders a unique opportunity to learn about the performance technologies and design philosophies that shaped each of the four boards in the 10/11 Jones line-up. Features such as Mellow Magne-traction, Directional Rocker and Cam-Rock are all explained in Jeremy’s words along with his commentary on why certain board models benefit from the chosen design features.

Riders hungry for more info are only a couple clicks from an answer at as the forum allows the curious freerider to ask Jeremy direct questions. Trip reports from the team riders will also offer a firsthand perspective of how conditions and terrain affect the team’s quiver choice. Exclusive photos and videos will bring the boards to life as Jeremy and the team shred on the ‘Flagship’ freeride gun one day and backcountry jib on the ‘Mountain Twin’ freestyle deck the next.

There will be no shortage of exciting news to share at Jones Snowboards, as the team has been freeriding around the world this winter. Jeremy, Forrest Shearer and Jonaven Moore have been out splitboard testing on the Jones’ ‘Solution’ while filming for the September release of Deeper. After a productive month in the Sierras and Tetons, the crew heads north to Canada and Alaska to lay tracks in the big mountains this spring.

Having taken third at the Freeride World Tour stop in Squaw Valley, Ryland Bell will take on some of the world’s best freeriders at the Nissan Xtreme by Swatch inVerbier, Switzerland in late March. Ralph Backstrom just finished his contest season winning second place overall in the North Face Masters series. Both Ralph and Ryland are riding the Jones ‘Flagship’ in contests this season. Follow the team blog, to keep up with the team’s latest adventures in the mountains.

Expect worldwide distribution starting this September for winter 2010/11. Learn more about Jones Snowboards at

hahaha March 22, 2010 at 1:33 pm

And nothing gets a PR persons pumping like the joy of being told to write one. You can only imagine the number of releases that clients ask to have written and that are denied on the basis of not being news.

But I’m stoked on Jones!

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