A Big Steaming Cup Of Stoke, Bro

by The Editors on February 26, 2010

300Not exactly sure what kind of direct connection there is between skateboarding, surfing and coffee, but that hasn’t stopped The Skateboarder’s Journal’s Jack Smith and his friend Adrian Pina from rolling out a new coffee company called Cuppastoke.com. Smith describes it as:

A coffee company for skateboarders, surfers, snowboarders and anyone else who shares the almost indescribable feeling of “STOKE”. . . Skater Joe Dark Roast, Our signature blend. Complex, bright, bold, and rich, this coffee shines through milk in espresso drinks, and tastes amazing in drip or press. An all around winner.

We personally don’t have a problem with the local brew, but for those who want a cup of stoke every morning, then Skater Joe Dark Roast might be just for you. $11.95 will get you 12 ounces. Enter special code “boardistan” and Jack will give you 15% off your order. How cool is that?

[Link: Cuppastoke]

Jack Smith February 27, 2010 at 12:33 pm

Thanks for the plug! 15% discount for Boardistan readers…use discount code “Boardistan” at cuppastoke.com

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