The Puehse Twins Go To Hollywood

by The Editors on February 11, 2010

4N11Skatehill.Xlgraphic.Prod Affiliate.4.JpgFor the past few years Northern California’s Puehse Twins (Nick and Tristin) have occupied a strange place on Youtube somewhere between Tyson the Skateboarding Dog and Todd Falcon.

They were amazing as little kids, and now they’re okay as pre-teens, but something about the way they’re always being marketed has seemed strange. According to an article in the Sacramento Bee the brothers have a new DVD coming out.

In June, their first feature film, “Nic & Tristan Go Mega Dega,” co-starring rapper Bobby J. Thompson and TV veteran Lindsey Shaw, will be released on DVD. . . Their father, Michael, a marketing executive who also aggressively markets his talented twins, has talked with Nickelodeon about a TV series. He says a major studio, Lionsgate, has shown interest.

The twins say they want to be professional skateboarders and actors. We hope that’s true. It appears that they’re on their way on at least one front. Read the story for the rest.

[Link: Sacramento Bee]

oatbran February 12, 2010 at 11:17 am

Still as kooky as ever. There dad is pretty darn annoying. Never skated, but would always call out to his tweens, “kickflip!”, “tre flip son”. Do you remember how they got straight called out in transworld a few years back? Ridiculous. Skate Dad to the next level.

Carl February 12, 2010 at 2:05 pm

That’s a scary thought in itself— a marketing dude as your dad.

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