Twiggy And Long Land An SA Monster

by The Editors on August 12, 2008

Looks like Grant “Twiggy” Baker and Greg Long may have landed an XXL monster while out Saturday, August 9, 2008 about a kilometre outside Dungeons in South Africa’s Hout Bay.

“The waves were definitely the biggest I’ve ever seen in South Africa and possibly the biggest anywhere,” Baker said. “Greg towed me into one giant wave that was so big I was terrified and started hyper-ventilating. . . . Later, when we saw the photos taken by Craig Kolesky with a large lens from Chapman’s Peak, we realised that those were possibly the biggest waves ever recorded, on a par with the rides we had a Cortes Bank in January which were measured at well over 70 feet.”

Guess we won’t know until Bill Sharp gets out his ruler.

[Link: News24]

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