Australian Sharks Send SMS Messages

by The Editors on December 30, 2009

Article-1239348-00333Ceb00000258-20 468X286Tagged Great Whites in Australia are now set up to automatically send text messages to lifeguards and emergency personnel, according to a story in The Daily Mail.

As the man-eating predators approach shallower waters, the signal they emit will be picked up by a satellite receiver. Minutes later, a text message or email is sent out to scientists, wildlife officials and lifeguards. . . The tracking system set up around Perth in Western Australia is revolutionary because it will track the sharks in ‘real time’, said Rory McAuley a senior scientist with the West Australian Department of Fisheries.

Hopefully, they’re just remove one link for the communication chain and allow surfers to sign up for the messages themselves.

[Link: The Daily Mail]

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