Boardistan Announces Plans For Tablet Device

by The Editors on December 21, 2009

Bstan Tablet

Boardistan is thrilled to be the first action sports brand to announce its plans for a full compliment of content features built especially for the upcoming Apple tablet device if and when it is finally available to the public.

“When Steve Jobs announces his Jesus Tablet we will be ready,” The Publisher of Boardistan said in a press release. “Our editors have been working with our design team for months testing and analyzing the way users interact with our content. After compiling the data we have chosen to implement an amazing technology called WordPress 2.9. This open-source content management system will allow us to digitally distribute our surf, snow, and skate content on all tablet devices through a revolutionary application called “a web browser.” This, coupled with the tablet’s portability, will allow users to view our content absolutely free whenever and wherever they choose.”

The all-new Tablet platform will also allow users to interact with the content by adding their own comments to posts, but more importantly, users will be able to search Boardistan’s 10 years of action sports content for their favorite brands, riders, and topics and then share this information through social media apps like Twitter, Facebook, and even email.

“We really do believe this is the future of media and we are just ecstatic to be including our users in our cutting-edge plans for the digital future,” The Publisher said. “Being first isn’t new to us, but it never seems to lose its thrill.”

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we near the Apple Tablet’s pending launch.

Steve December 21, 2009 at 6:22 pm

This is a joke right? Of course it is…

JB December 21, 2009 at 8:44 pm

Wait there’s no Boardistan: The Musical or Boardistansequency the Action Sport Nerds Journal?

I thought musicals and print pubs were so far out that they might be back in. Next up you’ll tell me old timey mustaches, tight colored jeans and giraffe neck high top sneakers were only momentary trends …. that shits gonna be around forever!

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