Schoenfeld Gives Vendors One Hour Massage

by The Editors on December 9, 2009

240 ErgarytifftalkledeYesterday, at the surfy-swank Shorebreak Hotel in Huntington Beach PacSun’s CEO Gary Schoenfeld reportedly filled his suppliers ears with words of “belief and passion for action sports brands” like a drowning man espousing the virtues of life rafts.

Okay, we made that last part up. We weren’t there. But luckily,‘s Tiffany Montgomery had a front row seat and was kind enough to post a wonderful slideshow filled with photos of people so desperately hoping to sell more screen-printed T-shirts in America’s malls that they were willing to sit in a small room and listen to Mr. Schoenfeld for an entire hour.


Egg Nog December 9, 2009 at 10:39 am

Oh how cleanly boardistan’s blade of snarkyness cuts through the industry’s giant, floating turds of total bullshit. Well played. Sounds like people drove in the rain, payed about $1/ min, and missed a lot of The Eddie to have someone tell them “Everything is going to be ok” when they could’ve heard the same info with less rub and tug in the Q3 call….when did the industry develop such a pernicious case of Gnosiophobia?

Markfitzy December 9, 2009 at 5:13 pm

Right on the money! Gotta love both Egg Nog and Boardistan! However, Boardistan? Do you actually pay money to view shop-eat-sleep? More drivel from the botox (er…sorry) Velcro-Valley?

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