Hiding Keys On Tires: Bad Idea

by The Editors on October 30, 2009

Huntington Beach, California police officers have arrested a man and woman who are suspected of robbing the cars of 16 surfers by watching where they hid their keys and then using the keys to get in the car and take what they wanted, according to the OC Register. But the cops got ’em by doing a little watching themselves.

Officers staked out the beach near Pacific Coast Highway and Sixth Street, and waited for a break-in. . . They watched Nathan Pater, 32, of Huntington Beach, take a key from its hiding place and break into a car, where they arrested him, said Sgt. Greg Davis of the Huntington Beach Police Department. . . They also arrested Amber Marie Hintz, 27, of Garden Grove, who acted as the getaway driver, Davis said.

Guess this is what that little pocket in your wetsuit is for.

[Link: OC Register]

Jon Christensen October 30, 2009 at 4:07 pm

Damn keys with electronics built in. i don’t think they’re built to go for a surf. But I guess it goes to show that everyone knows surfers hide their keys in their tires. At least Cali is better than Brazil where you can’t even bring a scraggly old pair of flipflops to the beach without them wandering off.

makesurf October 31, 2009 at 3:01 am

My preferred method of car security for keys without electronics built in or are waterproof – like my Volvo key:
Lock everything in the car and take only the single key that gets you into the car. Tie it onto the end of the wetsuit zipper cord using a knot that will not come undone accidentally but which can be undone. Then tuck this into the neck of the wetsuit and down the shoulder.
The knot I use is a loop of the end of the zipper cord, through the key hole then pass the key through the end of that loop. Make sure that there is sufficient tail so that the end of the cord cannot pull out.

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