Mavericks Contest Becomes Clark vs Clark

by The Editors on June 2, 2011

091009A -7Big wave surfing pioneer Jeff Clark and his ex-wife Katherine Kelly Clark both want the permit that would allow them to hold a big wave surf contest at Mavericks, according to a story in the Mercury News.

On Wednesday night, the San Mateo County Harbor Commission dismissed an application to run the competition by Katherine Kelly Clark and her group, Mavericks Family LLC, after it emerged that the group had accidentally applied under a different name, Mavericks Community LLC, which was not registered as a corporation in the state of California. . . Then Jeff Clark stood up and — unexpectedly — told the commission that he, too, wants to hold a Mavericks surf competition next winter in Half Moon Bay. “There is clearly a lack of experience in business management and large-scale event planning,” he told the commissioners in a not-too-subtle dig at his ex-wife. “I would like to propose another choice.”

What a perfect place to air out personal grievances. Click the link for the rest of a story that will likely get even messier in the coming months.

[Link: Mercury News]

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