Nike Plays Musical CEOs With Converse

by The Editors on May 19, 2011

Nike-LogoA month and four days ago Nike placed former Dockers president Jim Calhoun in the position of CEO at Hurley. Now, it appears that Nike has decided that Calhoun would be a better fit at Converse and has named him CEO and president of the brand. They also moved former Converse CEO Michael Spillane over to their soccer brand Umbro, according to story on Sports One Source.

“We are very excited that Michael, a seasoned industry veteran, will now take the helm at Umbro. Michael has demonstrated strong success at Converse and we are confident he will bring the same passion, commitment and clarity of vision to Umbro,” said Roger Wyett. “In addition, Jim Calhoun’s brand expertise and global experience will be instrumental in driving continued growth at Converse.”

We’re not even going to speculate on the Hurley changes (or how a former Dockers CEO would fit at a surf brand) other than to say it looks like Mr. Wyett isn’t out of his Hurley responsibilities as soon as he thought he’d be.

[Link: Sports One Source]

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