Search: "bra boys"

The Bra Boys Go Reality TV Route

by The Editors on March 24, 2010


Sunny Abberton has the Bra Boys family industry running in the reality TV direction if reports on are to be trusted.

HAVING conquered the big screen with their super successful self-titled documentary, the Bra Boys are now on the cusp of consolidating an offer for a reality-TV series. . . Word on the beach is the show will be a “fly-on-the-wall” look at the lives of the notorious Maroubra siblings, and may even see pin-up of the surfing gang Koby Abberton return to school.

Sunny and Koby are apparently looking for a way to show their “more humorous side.” This should be good.

[Link: via Stab]

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Bra Boys To Be Crowe’s Directorial Debut

by The Editors on April 16, 2009

15262423.JpgRussel Crowe says that work on the Bra Boys film that may be his feature directorial debut is progressing nicely, according to Sky News.

“We are on our third different take on the story, probably on our second draft of our third take,” he said.
“We approached it in one way and it worked and encapsulated it nicely but it left too many things on the table so we’ve tried it a second way and had the same result. . . . We’re now in a place where we’re trying it a third way and it’s a little more satisfying in terms of the punch of the overall film.”

The film is not based on the documentary, but on the best-selling book My Brothers Keeper, by investigative reporters Charles Miranda and Angelea Kamper and follows the story of “standover man” Anthony Hines, his meeting with infamous Sydney surfing gang ‘the Bra Boys’, and his killing. According to Russel, the film will not start Mark Wahlberg and instead will feature Australian actors.

“This is a great Australian story and it belongs to the Australian film industry and it’s all well and good to finance it from overseas because film is an international medium but we’ve got great actors in our country.”

[Link: Sky News]

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Bra Boys In Turf War With Bikers

by The Editors on December 21, 2008

Sunny BAustralia’s Herald Sun is reporting that the Bra Boys are having some trouble as two “bikie clans” have begun moving in on the surfers’ territory in Maroubra Beach. Most recently was a 20 person brawl at the Maroubra Bay Hotel last weekend.

Police are investigating several violent clashes between members of the Bra Boys and the Bandidos in recent weeks at the renowned Maroubra Bay Hotel. . . . Police said they have observed the Bandidos and another bikie clan, the Comancheros, establishing an unwelcome presence in the Bra Boys’ stronghold.

Bra Boys co-founder Sunny Abberton (right) says there is no war going on with “the bikies.”

Mr Abberton also denied any Bra Boys involvement in Saturday night’s brawl. . . . “I didn’t hear or see anything,” he said. “I was in the Maroubra Bay Hotel earlier and it all seemed pretty quiet.”

[Link: Herald Sun]

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Last Week Today News Update

by The Editors on October 15, 2018

Once again, a list of links to some of the stories we wish we had time to read and re-type. Follow the jump for all the details.
[click to continue…]

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