Search: tony hawk recall

More Tony Hawk Helmets Recalled

by The Editors on January 20, 2023

Helmets made and marketed by Sakar International under the Tony Hawk Multi-purpose Helmets name have been recalled because they reportedly “do not comply with the positional stability and retention system requirements of the U.S. CPSC federal safety standard for bicycle helmets.” This the second time this year for Tony Hawk helmets. And years back Tony Hawk flammable pajamas were recalled from Kohls.

Tony Hawk multi-purpose helmets were sold in various colors and have black straps and a black buckle.  The white warning label on the inside of the helmet contains one of the following item numbers on the top right corner: AGE251TH-GCRM, AGE251TH-NCRM, AGE251TH-BKMT, AGE251TH-BLU-T30-12, AGE251TH-RBW, AGE22SLDTH-BLK, or ACTGEAR242TH-GRN. 

If you, or someone you know, made the mistake of buying one of these helmets, please immediately stop using it and contact Sakar for instructions. Another example of why getting paid to let people slap your name on junk might not be the best idea in the long term.

[Link: Consumer Product Safety Commission]

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Shocker: Tony Hawk Helmets Recalled

by The Editors on July 14, 2022

Who would have thought that Walmart would be selling helmets that need to be recalled? Apparently, the Tony Hawk signature helmets “do not comply with the positional stability and retention system requirements of the U.S. CPSC federal safety standard for bicycle helmets.” 

Luckily, no one who reads this site would have purchased a helmet like this, but if you know someone, tell them to contact Sakar at 800-592-9541 anytime, email at, or online at or and click on “Recalls” at the bottom of the page. And yeah, another reminder that you can’t always trust a Tony Hawk endorsement.

[Link: Consumer Product Safety Commission]


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Tony Hawk’s Boys Flamajamas Recalled

by The Editors on January 24, 2009

PjsMad Dog Concepts is voluntarily recalling 25,000 pairs of Tony Hawk Boy’s Pajama Sets made in Cambodia and sold through the Kohl’s Department Store chain “due to the potential risk of burn injury to children,” according to the U.S. Cosumer Product Safety Commmission.

This sleepwear fails to meet the federal children’s sleepwear flammability standard, and poses a risk of burn injury to children. . . .Consumers should stop using the recalled pajamas immediately and contact the firm for instructions on obtaining a full refund.

See the kinds of things you have to start worrying about when you license your name to clothing manufacturers?

[Link: USCPSC via Ridgefield Press]

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Tony Hawk Talks Movies That Inspire

by Sponsored Post on June 4, 2015

Tony Hawk sits down with New York Times bestselling author and writer-at-large for Esquire Magazine, Cal Fussman to talk about the big part movies played in his growing up, and becoming a professional skateboarder in this episode of Fandango’s “I Love Movies.” This original video series showcases cultural influencers across the globe, sharing personal stories of how movies have touched their lives. The series airs on Fandango’s digital network, including Fandango Movieclips, the number one movie trailer and content channel on YouTube, plus Fandango channels on Hulu, Roku and Samsung’s Milk Video Service.

In the new episode, Hawk reveals the impact of the seeing the James Bond action-adventure, “The Spy Who Loved Me,” for the first time at the age of 10, around the time he first started skating. “This movie was all about me,” recalls Hawk. “There were gadgets and death-defying stunts and it inspired me to do something daring like that.” On the flip side, comedies also taught him to laugh off his first skating experience. “I couldn’t figure out where to turn and ran into a fence – my first experience on a skateboard was definitely out of “The Naked Gun,” like the scene with Nordberg getting caught in a bear-trap.” [click to continue…]

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The Happy New 2022 News Lister

by The Editors on January 3, 2022

It’s a New Year. Time to bury those old habits, get out the list, and start working toward the new you in 2022. Or, just grab another Indian Summer Latte and scroll through this list of stories that you should have read last year. We’d put them in order of importance, but that would take way too much time and it would eliminate the joy you’ll find discovering a story you didn’t know you wanted to read. Take it away.

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At The Top Of The Action News List Tonight

by The Editors on March 24, 2022

This was going to be the Ides of March news listers. Then the Holi lister, now it’s just the late-in-March list of news stories that caught our eye and might be of interest to you. That’s all. No snide asides, no out-of-context comments, no misinformed snark, and no 200 word headlines. Just links to stories that are at the top of the news tonight.

Follow the jump for all the stories.

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Post Olympic News Lister Time

by The Editors on February 14, 2022

It’s newsies time. Obviously, this list is overloaded with Olympic content since that’s what snowboarding is up to right now. And Shaun White is the biggest news from Chinaland. Shaun, and the terrible judging. But, oddly, few outlets wrote about that. Censorship? Probably not, but you know the journalists who are visiting China and hope to stay and/or return to the country don’t want to upset the PRC media watchers. Click the link for the list. And get going. This is enough to make it look like you’re working for the rest of the afternoon!

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Pre-Holiday November News Lister

by The Editors on November 8, 2021

Lots going on here in the world of news headline lists. This one is a big one because, well, we’ve been doing other stuff lately. But here it is anyway. Sharks, COVID, and all that jazz.

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Mid-June New News Lister Lists

by The Editors on June 16, 2021

Summertime, and the parking it loathsome. Beach is packed, and the tourists are lame. Oh, your Daddy’s tired and your ma is on fire, so sunscreen up little grommet, tighten up your game. Here are the latest news headlines you can use. Yes, we’re still doing this and by hand to boot. Enjoy
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All The Action Sports News You Can Use

by The Editors on May 3, 2021

Yet again we have gone through all the action sports headlines so you don’t have to and distilled them down into a long list of stories you might be interested in. If not, no worries. It was good exercise for our copy and paste fingers. Never want to let those keyboard skills get on the fade. Follow the jump and enjoy.

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